Monday, January 12, 2009

Doctor visit...

We had our first doctor's visit today.
We found out that we're pregnant.

Seriously though, it was pretty cool. We got to hear the heartbeat, which took forever to find (this was a little nerve-racking). There was also a brief (not that funny) moment when we thought there might be more than one kid in there. We had joked about this for awhile, but I wasn't worried about it until I saw the look on the doctor's face when we mentioned it. Apparently something she found made her feel that there was a possibility that there was more than one kid. She pulled out that computer with the remote for seeing into bellies. She pressed it against my wife's stomach, we looked at the monitor, and we saw...something out of Area 51.

It was interesting...but cool. I'm really a dad. Caylie wasn't just making it up. :)


  1. Wes and Caylie--

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Soooo excited for you both! When is your due date...August? September? I need more details!!!!

    <3 Karen

  2. We didn't get a due date this visit. I'm not sure why, now that I think about it. Caylie's estimate is late July or early August...somewhere in there. We are SUPER excited.

  3. Google "Pregnancy Calculator." It will calculate it for you. I am thinking when the boys are out of school, a road trip will be in then we should have some equipment (used once! we had to start over) Nicholas has outgrown. Definitely do not buy or register for a bumbo seat, a johnny jump up or a jumperoo--these aren't used for long and we recently bought all. If Nick is 30 lbs. by then, or longer than 30 inches (,ore likely) we also will have an infant carrier and 1 base--it is the chicco keyfit30 (top safety rated) you can get the stroller that the seat pops right into...we won't be done with that. It is sage green, so works for either gender...

  4. wasup wes its harrison (the really annoying and halarious guy at our family reunion)happy 4 u guys getn a baby. just promise it wont b like me he or she might drive u insane!!!! I think i did that to u guys!? CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!
