Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's been so long...

I know, I's been so long since I last left a post on this blog. DO NOT COMPLAIN...YOU WERE WARNED IN THE BEGINNING! Anyway, nothing terribly interesting has happened lately in the childbirth department...this kid's already letting me down. I really need it to be more entertaining.

The Pillow

This entry is really about The Pillow. Apparently when a woman is pregnant there comes a point where the doctor doesn't want them laying on their back to sleep. Either this, or it just becomes too uncomfortable to sleep their back. This results in the purchase of The Pillow. The Pillow sounds like a wonderful idea at the time...a long body pillow, slightly curved, that helps a woman to sleep on their side, with a pillow between their knees, alleviating pain in the back.

HOWEVER...The Pillow acts as a mysterious, faceless, third person in the bed. It hogs the covers, and occasionally boots you out of bed entirely. It's curved nature makes it so that it wraps itself around you, as if it wants to squeeze the life out of you like a giant fluffy boa constrictor. I hate The Pillow. It is my nemesis. A lot of the time Caylie doesn't even end up using it, and it floats its way over to my side of the bed, crowding me and attempting to suffocate me.

I hate The Pillow. Hate it.

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